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Listing an event on the consumer website is free – and very easy. 

We pull all our events from which means you just need to list your event on Eventfinda.

Featured events on are managed by Hawke’s Bay Tourism, and require an additional step. If you would like your event to be considered for the featured tiles, please email the details of your event and high quality images to Events are featured at the sole discretion of Hawke’s Bay Tourism and are listed with a focus on visitors to the region.

Creating your event listing on Eventfinda
To get started, simply click the Sign Up or Log In button at the top right of any page on Eventfinda.

If you don’t already have an account, you’ll be able to create one. The system will ask for your email address and then send you a confirmation email to ensure security. Confirm your account, create a password and then click the Create Event button and use your email address and password to log in and list your event.

The Create Event button will take you to the event manager’s portal, Eventfinda Pro, where you’ll follow the easy Create New Event form to enter your event’s details and images. Continue until you click the Submit For Approval button at the end. Eventfinda’s moderators review new listings throughout the day for publication.

If you’re listing a tour or a multi-venue event, use the handy Advanced > List Similar button to duplicate your listing so you can easily change the date/time and venue information without having to enter all the details again.

You’ll be able to use your email address and password to log in at any time to submit more events, edit your event listings, add images, change information or sign up for Eventfinda Ticketing Services.